Intensive OCD Treatment

Ontario • Quebec • Nova Scotia • New Brunswick • British Columbia • Saskatchewan • Manitoba • Nunavut

This individual therapy program includes longer and more frequent sessions for accelerated treatment and faster symptom reduction.

We will work with you to establish a treatment plan and schedule tailored to your specific needs and availability. The general recommended schedule is 2 to 4 double sessions per week (4 to 8 hours a week) for approximately three to six weeks, after which we gradually decrease the frequency and length of the sessions. If there are spots available in our OCD group at the time of your treatment, the group provides an additional clinical benefit and helps you to be further immersed in treatment.

To enroll in intensive treatment:

  1. Review the profiles of the therapists here and see if you prefer a specific therapist. You can also email or call our clinic to inquire who would be the best fit for you.

  2. Book your first appointment here.

  3. Inform your therapist during this first assessment session that you are interested in intensive treatment. Together with the therapist, you will decide if intensive treatment is the right fit for you, determine the frequency and duration of the sessions, and set up the treatment schedule.

  • This program is especially important for severe OCD presentations, however, your treatment progress will likely be much faster even if your OCD is milder.

    From our experience, people who engage in intensive treatment require significantly fewer total treatment hours than the ones who start from one-hour weekly sessions.

    Teens and elementary school children and their parents often choose to participate in intensive treatment during the summer.

  • This is an individual program and we will work with you to structure it in a way that suits your unique needs and schedule. We usually recommend having at least a few frequent and intensive sessions up-front whenever possible, and we can decrease the frequency and length of the sessions after that

  • You can change the frequency and/or the duration of the appointments at any time*. Moreover, if you are progressing fast, your therapist may also suggest to start decreasing the frequency of the sessions earlier than initially planned.

    In any case, we encourage you to talk to your therapist before you modify your program so that you can come up with the best plan to fit your treatment.

    *Please make sure that you are within the limits of our cancellation policy when cancelling or rescheduling your sessions.

  • No. The payment is due two business days before your appointment just like with the regular sessions.

  • We encourage you to allocate time between the sessions to the homework assigned by the therapist and to practice tools and techniques discussed in the sessions.

    Attending OCD treatment group is highly recommended. It helps make intensive treatment even more immersive without adding too much to the cost. You can find more information about our groups here and here.